Globalisation, be prepared: Conversation with a teenager
Teenager (T): I was assigned a task in which I have to address the issue of balancing the needs of a global city with that of a nation state, focusing on assessing the impact of globalization on one aspect. The issue that I wish to investigate on is pertinent to the issue of the effect of social immobility, caused by wealth inequality on social cohesion. To gain some perspective on my area of research I would like to direct a few questions to you. Mr X (X): Globalisation impacts the economy, government, society, and every individual directly and indirectly! Globalisation helps free trade and capital, improves movement of human capital promotes capitalism opening up enormous opportunities for people and economies. On the flip side, it also throws up social and economic challenges due to porous borders, liberal trade and immigration laws that allows free movement of goods, capital and people. Globalisation also creates intense competition tha...