Event notes: Are local and global players adapting to a “new normal”?28 February 2017
Are local and global players adapting to a “new normal”? Learn how top trading houses are adapting to today’s low pricing, high liquidity climate • Explore differences and similarities between regional and global traders’ strategies • Learn what their plans are for growth in 2017 Panel timings: 9.50-10.40, 28th February. General topics for discussion: 1) The “Trump effect” on trade: General discussion of geopolitical uncertainty across the world to “set the scene” but perhaps not in too much detail 2) How do trading houses adapt to pricing volatility: Unexpected bull market; prices a fraction of what they were mid-2014 but still rebounding from the crash. Hard to predict. What strategies to mitigate that uncertainty? 3) How do regional & global trading houses compare with one another in their financing strategies: Is new technology closing the gap between global & local players, allowing local firms to have global reach, and global firms to gain local o...