
Showing posts from March, 2017

Event notes: Are local and global players adapting to a “new normal”?28 February 2017

Are local and global players adapting to a “new normal”? Learn how top trading houses are adapting to today’s low pricing, high liquidity climate • Explore differences and similarities between regional and global traders’ strategies • Learn what their plans are for growth in 2017 Panel timings: 9.50-10.40, 28th February.  General topics for discussion: 1) The “Trump effect” on trade: General discussion of geopolitical uncertainty across the world to “set the scene” but perhaps not in too much detail 2) How do trading houses adapt to pricing volatility: Unexpected bull market; prices a fraction of what they were mid-2014 but still rebounding from the crash. Hard to predict. What strategies to mitigate that uncertainty? 3) How do regional & global trading houses compare with one another in their financing strategies: Is new technology closing the gap between global & local players, allowing local firms to have global reach, and global firms to gain local o...

Event Notes: Creating Value - Enhancing the Supply Chain, The Asset, 02 March 2017, Singapore

• Supply chains have become international, complex and driven by customer and operational needs. Supply chain is also different for each country and entities, so as the need for financing. We have to leverage trade and supply chain financing through our trade, banking, insurance, logistics, packaging, and technology partners (using current account flows) to handle deliverable, subsidiary cross border finance, manage local currency and credit exposures, enjoy profitable arbitrages between local and international financing costs and structure financing and risks which is cost, tax and balance sheet effective.  • People, teams, cross functional agenda and politics could be big challenge in integrating supply chain and financing. In managing supply chain, we have to believe in the adage that 'what is good for customers, markets and stakeholders is good for the company; what is good for the company is good for everyone' and that all efforts around collaboration, innov...