Control Is good but trust is the binder that last longer and is cheaper !
It Lenin once said, “Trust is good, but control is better”; after many years I overheard this redundant statement in a converaation happening in a lift! The conversation between the leader and the young managers was hilarious as it quickly focused on people performance and how controls ensured; the young managers (smilingly?) nodded. We had to alight however my thoughts on the value of 'trust' lingered. Controls are important for all organisations as they promote responsible behaviour and accountability. Many managers and leaders don't agree nor undermine the importance of 'trust' as education, globalisation, and information technology enables communication creates self awareness, and freedom of choice for people. Trust is the invisible glue that binds the wall and the wallpaper. The invisibility and intangibility nature and the perceived loss of control is what deters many leaders and managers in deploying trust. Modern leaders and managers believe that tr...