Control Is good but trust is the binder that last longer and is cheaper !

It Lenin once said, “Trust is good, but control is better”; after many years I overheard this redundant statement in a converaation happening in a lift! The conversation between the leader and the young managers was hilarious as it quickly focused on people performance and how controls ensured; the young managers (smilingly?) nodded. We had to alight however my thoughts on the value of 'trust' lingered. Controls are important for all organisations as they promote responsible behaviour and accountability.

Many managers and leaders don't agree nor undermine the importance of 'trust' as education, globalisation, and information technology enables communication creates self awareness, and freedom of choice for people. 

Trust is the invisible glue that binds the wall and the wallpaper. The invisibility and intangibility nature and the perceived loss of control is what deters many leaders and managers in deploying trust. 

Modern leaders and managers believe that  trust binds, last longer, is cheaper, easier to earn, and creates ownership and commitment, and a highly motivated, high performing, diverse, self controlling and a thriving organisation! 

Trust when administered with mild controls pervades positivity and loyalty within the organisation; excessive controls may creates distrust and discontent. Trusted and loyal employees feel respected, valued, and always do what is best for the company. 

Trust is essential to empower, engage, innovate, foster communication, connectivity, partnerships and creativity, collaboration, and build a courageous and convincing team that champions company vision and mission. Trust promotes loyalty, ownership, helps in realising employees potential, customers needs and company's mission. 

Corporate culture is all about trusting, respecting and valuing people! Organisations and performance is also all about people, people ensure that organisations perform, improve, survive 'constructive destruction' and thrive. We all are in 'people' business after all people are customers, innovators, managers, employees and leaders. 

Trust (and integrity) is essential in building corporate reputation, respect, and a natural partner (ally) of choice for the company customers, employees, shareholders, stakeholders, banks, creditors and community.  

Every organisation has sound and clear vision and objectives, guiding principles, ethics and values, accountability, and behavioural norms to assess performance, and an incentive and stock option plan that reward for performance. However, every high performing organisation to succeed and thrive will require its leader (and people) to walk the talk and talk the talk ! A multi national business that has a global footprints can only be created with trust and the right people! 

One of the world greatest invention was the airplane; the Wright brothers trusted their instinct and their team which made the first aircraft fly off the ground. Controls were also essential to ensure safety and security of humans and environment. The aviation industry developed because everyone trusted the invention of the Wright brothers!! Trust is invaluable and is what binds humans and the ecosystem in which we thrive! 


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