Trading commodities: multi disciplinary approach!
Commodities trading had over time become technical and scientific in nature; manufacturers specifications, identity and source preservation, safety, environmental impact is the key. Commodities cannot be traded in isolation either as a host of multidisciplinary factors matters when it comes to demand and supply and pricing commodities.
In order to trade commodities, an understanding of various factors matters to optimize profits:
Agricultural practices, land ownership and usage
Culture - habits and consumer preferences
Chemistry and composition
Biology and health
Economics, demand supply, storage capacities and strategic reserves
Government policies and subsidies
Logistics and transportation
Complimentary and substitutes
Diversified usage
Environmental impact and constraints
Technology and distruptive technology; biotech
Management practices including compensation policies
Financing and arbitrages
Trading commodity is just one example; excelling in all other disciplines and functions requires a multidisciplinary approach. Learning humanities isn't a waste of time and efforts as long as one is able to establish connections!
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